Thursday, 10 November 2011

Have a slice of Humble Pie

So I have been seeing the same four walls for a week and I have another week to go. Being sick with chicken pox have made me reach a new low and im glad to say a new high aswell.

Sometimes I wondered if it could get any worste and then just today, it hit me, that is a question that goes through so many minds, alot of times a day. Some cancer patients do not even know if they will be able to think that thought tomorrow.

Something that felt like the end of the world to me, sometimes is the end of the world for others. The pain that comes with having chicken pox I lived with for 5 days, some patients have to live with that kind of pain for weeks, months, sometimes years. Where I battled to sit and lie down as the blisters were sore, some people have no choice to sit or stand as they have no energy to make a decision.

When I was asked how I felt, i would normally reply and say I feel good, but look terrible, not realising that my scabs will fall off and my scars will heal, but some people will never get rid of their burn wounds, cancer eaten skin or disfigured face. So who am I to complain of temporarily "ugliness" when there are people who wished their wounds would heal so they could face the world without being pointed and stared at. Not being able to eat and drink of the painful sores I had in my mouth is not even a drop in the ocean of the pain a person with mouth cancer goes through everyday.

So thinking about all of this I come to the conclusion that as people we tend to get so caught up in our own little world that we do not see what is going on around us. We do not always realise how fortunate we are just to take a walk outside or even just get out of bed.

I have promised myself that from today, I will try (because no one is perfect) to be more thankful and considerate, count my blessings and be kinder to people, because we never know what hardship they are carrying in their heart. Will it really break your bad ass imagine just to be kind to someone or treat them with respect? There is more to life than acting superior, having a ton of money or driving the perfect cars. I love my Tazz, even though it does not have aircon or electric windows. It still gets me from A to B. What you have, is NOT who you are, NEVER forget that....

And as we see all these men with their magnificient Movembers, do not forget why you are growing them it for the well known male competition or do you realise you are supporting a incredible cause, awereness for men's health, specially prostate cancer.

Laugh harder, Love longer and stay stronger.


Thursday, 3 November 2011

Kaapstad Avonture

Ek was so bevoorreg om my hometown van volgende jaar bietjie te kuier en te explore.

Dis seker sad, maar dit was my eerste keer om te vlieg, sowel as my eerste keer in die Kaap op ouderdon 21 ! Ek moet bieg, die Kaap het my hart instantly gesteel. Die berg gee 'n mens se maag so 'n holgevoel as jy dit vir die eerstekeer sien.

Vir iemand wat die eerste keer vlieg was ek vanselfspreukend BAIE op my senuwees. In die proses het ek my awesome leopard print sonbrille verloor, maar soos ek myself al geleer het, dis net materialisties en die persoon wat dit gevind het, het dit dalk meer nodig as ek.

My eeste dag van Kaapstad het ek 'n berg in die gesig gestaar, letterlik :) Ek het berg Cecilia geklim. Vir iemand wat maande laas in die gym was en baie onfiks is, was dit n reuse uitdaging. Maar hoe kan ek nee se, ek was op n missie om enige iets nuut te probeer die week. En toe na 'n hele paar uur, 'n paar death scares en baie uitasem oomblikke het ek dit gedoen! Dis werklik 'n lekker gevoel. Die natuur maak n mens vars en goed voel. feeling down and depressed? KLIM 'N BERG!

As ek se Dinsdag was die beste dag van my lewe is dit 'n understatement. To do something no one thought you would ever do, feels so good. Skydiving has always been a dream of mine and actually having a dream come true was the best feeling in the world. I was so blessed to have experienced that. Die gevoel kan aan niemand beskryf word nie, maar dis wel 'n gevoel van vryheid en tevredenheid. Om die wereld uit God se oogpunt te ervaar is 'n fantastiese gevoel. Ek sal ALMAL aanbeveel om die adrenalien rush te probeer, ek het 'n GROOT vrees vir hoogte, maar glo my as jy eers in die lug is, is dit die laaste ding op die brein.. JUST DO IT, DO IT!!!

Ek het nog nooit 'n live Oorsee se band gesien nie, so om Kings Of Leon te sien was nog 'n eerste wat ek kan aftick. Weereens is dit 'n out of this world experience. Ek was nog high van die vorige dag se adrenalien rush, so om vir 2 en 'n half ure op en af te spring was no biggie for me. Goeie stage performance en mal show. Sal hulle defnitief weer wil live sien.

I might be the biggest cupcake lover I know. I can have cupcakes for breakfast, lunch and supper. Might be the reason why the mountain was such a struggle, but alas, CUPCAKES RULE. So when I saw this bakery show on TV one Sunday before I left for Cape Town, I knew it was a sign, I should found this shop. And I did. I was in heaven. Cupcakes, cakes and treats everywhere! I was good and didn't over-indulge, but I enjoyed a good cupcake or two :)

Kaapstad is 'n avontuur wat almal moet beleef. Die plek het 'n sekere energie wat aansteek lik is. Ek het baie van myself geleer in die kort rukkie, soos byvoorbeeld, as ek in die stad wil woon volgende jaar moet ek maar groot balls groei en ek het op die harde manier geleer as jy jou afdraai mis, vat jy die volgende afdraai en kom weer op die N1. Ek sien vreeslik uit om die Kaap volgende jaar my 'hometown' te noem.